working time registration .

Give up handwritten reports.

A frequent problem of our new customers is the selection of incorrect tools or their absolute lack.
Reporting, project invoicing, project time reporting is still done in many cases through manual documentation or, at best, in separate applications. In Hakon Software solutions you will find TimeCamp – a tool that combines all these tasks in one place.

working time measurement

TimeCamp is a tool that records the total working time from the moment the computer is turned on until it is turned off. Regardless of whether you are a small, medium or large enterprise, TimeCamp is for you! You will have access to all the necessary information in one place, e.g. working time, lateness, overtime and even breaks at work.

Hakon Software
Custom Integration

Your personalized addition to the TimeCamp system created by Hakon Software! Thanks to HS Custom Integration you will gain, among others:

  • reporting automation;
  • Sending reports to any channel, i.e. Mail, Teams, Slack, etc.;
  • Automation of report acceptance;
  • Report acceptance paths;
  • Tailored application branding to your needs.

Working time records
and project invoicing

TimeCamp also supports the HR department. Thanks to the functions of budgeting, invoices and working time records, you can export the information you are interested in to a data sheet with one click. Based on the data collected in TimeCamp, you will issue an invoice and settle the project. Do you want to collect all data in your business applications? Nothing easier! You can download them using the API and compare them with other statistics. TimeCamp is a software that provides comprehensive support for your business!

Integration with the 50th
popular apps!

TimeCamp is a tool that allows you to save every second of work in over 50 applications, widely used both in remote and office work, including:

  • Hakon Custom Integration
  • Jira
  • Slacks
  • Trello
  • Asana


Why Hakon?

  • over 15 years of experience in the IT market
  • a team of qualified engineers and implementers
  • implementation and integration experience
  • the products we use are successfully implemented
  • established partner position

    Are you looking for solutions tailored to your business?

    Fill out the contact form and we will contact you and help you choose the perfect products to support the functioning of your business.